App-to-User Payments

App-to-User payments will allow you to transact Pi from your application to your users. This type of transaction may often be used following a User-to-App transaction.

For example, a marketplace app may receive Pi from a buyer in a user-to-app transaction and then will create an app-to-user transaction to award the seller their Pi, allowing the marketplace app to easily keep their cut of the transaction.

Usage with NPM Package

// Create payment
const paymentData = {
  amount: NUMBER; // Will be deducted from your wallet, plus blockchain fee (0.01 Pi)
  recipient: STRING; // Either Pi username OR wallet address
  wallet_public_key: STRING; // Your Mainnet wallet address
  wallet_secret_key: STRING; // We will never see or store this

  .then((response) => {
    console.log("Create payment : ", response);
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log("Create payment error : ", err);

Do not hard code your wallet secret key! Always store as an environment variable.

We do NOT see nor store your wallet secret key. It will not leave your server.

See the source code here, for how your secret key is used:

Last updated